On the highest mountains of the Himalaya there is an ancient monastery. Since the dawn of time the monks who lived there, devoted their time to the creation of mandalas with coloured sand. The monks to realize them were inspired by the drawings of a great and ancient mandala that was in a room in the middle of the great monastery. Probably this was given to the first monks from ancient and wise people but it’s been so long that no one knows how it got there. What is real is the great power of this symbol gived to each mandala. In fact, these works of art not only served to delight the eye with their beauty but had a major role in the life on our planet. Each new mandala could increase the positive vibes of the great mandala and spread throughout the world the harmony and balance necessary for men to live in peace and in agreement each other.
So all human beings lived in complete respect for nature, they loved and respected in all its forms, and they knew and spoke the ancient language of the earth, water, fire and air. The men considered themselves and all living beings on Earth as part of a large village consisting of many families, as many as were the races and species of the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral realms.
A sad day darkness shrouded the monastery, the mandala of the five elements was destroyed, the elements were separated and each was carried in a different place. Without the completeness of the mandala, the balance on earth went away. Since that day, humans have forgotten the language of the elements, and how to communicate with nature. They can not remember to be part of it and take possession exploiting it without respect. The world could completely go into chaos! The mandala has to be rebuilt! It needs to be done soon!
The monks of the monastery began to meditate to reach the universal forces. The message of the universe is very specific: only children can go and find the pieces of the mandala and with them the ancient language of the elements. Now they are the only ones who can do it.
The monks have been transcribed the message and have sent it with the fastest messengers. One of them came to us, here!
“Dear Children,
Luckily, the mandala is still on our land even if it is no longer visible. Only by opening the eyes of the heart you can recognize the pieces that composed it. You are the only ones who can do it. Finding again the language of nature, you will discover the pieces scattered on the mountain crystal. You must start the journey from the base and climb to its top, only by this way you can approach the elements, connect and communicate with them and give harmony on this earth. We ask you if you want to start this adventure. We are confident that you will succeed and we look forward to our monastery together to rebuild the great mandala of the elements. “The indications are very few … but we can do it! Are you ready to leave?
Walking in the woods, movements that lead back to the land (tribal music), games of contact with the ground.
The elephant which protects the memory: from the standing position, cross your hands and bring them behind your head, with the inhale there stretches upwards and with the exhale bend forward from your hips and lift the right leg. Perform other side.
The warrior who bows to the earth: phase 1 from standing position take a step forward with the right leg. Cross your fingers and stretch your arms behind your back. The knee of the front leg is bent, the back flat. Phase 2 unite the feet, bowing forward lifting the arms. Perform other side.
The lady of the land: from standing position, spread your legs, bend the trunk forward, place hands on the floor, move the left hand on the right. With the tips of the fingers touching the wrist. The knees slightly bent. Change the position of the hands after a few breaths.
Games that mimic the waves, movements of the dragon that swims and smiles.
Elephant that brings the rain: from standing position take a step forward with the right leg.
Raise your arms and bend a little ‘back, bend forward, towards the leg, imagining your arms like a trunk. The knee is slightly bent forward, the one behind is lying. Perform other side.
The lord of waters: from sitting cross-legged, placing the right hand on the right knee, the left hand leans left ear. With an exhalation bend your torso to the left. Slowly descend until the elbow will touch the ground. Perform other side.
The Lady of the shells, from a seated position, bring the soles of your feet, flex your torso forward. Run your hands in front of the legs and let them slip under them.
Movement: Sun Salutation
The lady who lights the fire: from the standing position, spread your legs, rest your hands on your abdomen as you exhale bend your torso forward, bending your knees to comfortably lean his elbows. Focus attention on the breath.
Sitting Mountain: from sitting cross-legged, raise your arms and join hands. Imitate the movement of the flames with arm movements.
To reach the top of the mountain the movements are slow. Za zen walking
Breath: Nadi Shodhana Pranayama.
To practice the technique of alternate nastril breathing, put your index and middle finger of the right hand between the space among the eyebrows. The thumb is used to close the right nostril, while the ring finger and little finger closes the left nostril.
- Exhale from left nostril
- Inhale initially only the left nostril slowly and closing the right nostril with the thumb.
- At the end of the inhalation, close both nostrils and hold your breath for a second or two, no more.
- Now close the left nostril and exhale slowly and carefully through the right nostril.
- inhale through the right nostril.
- Close both nostrils again, hold your breath for one or two seconds and reopen the left nostril. Now exhale through the left nostril.
- Inhale again from the left nostril.
- And so on.
Humming Bee Breath: Bhramari Pranayama
You perform this technique putting seated in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and bring attention to the throat, imagining being able to breathe with this, as if under the chin there was a hole from which your breath goes in and out. Breathe slowly and deeply, producing noise between the nose and throat, caused the buzz is like that of a bee. Benefits: relaxes the body and mind.
After the breaths you relax, through which there is a link to the element ether.
In a circle pass objects representing the elements you have found at any stage of the journey. Do gestures of dance of Bali, gestures that act as an intermediary between the earth and the sky, between material and spiritual. Rebuild the mandala of the five elements.